Core Values: Partnering with Our Clients

For the next few weeks, we are going to publish a series of blogs on Triaxiom’s core values. As we continue to grow and mature as a company, it is important that we hold on to the reasons we started the company to begin with. To do this, we are making sure we stay true to our core values and have specific, measurable goals to do that. Our core values are the same now as they were when we were sitting around a kitchen table dreaming of starting a company. They include partnering with our clients, striving to be the best, and taking care of our employees. In this first blog of the series, we are going to start with “partnering with our clients.” We’ll discuss what that looks like, what key actions do we take to enforce this value, and what does that mean for you.

Partnering with our Clients

We started Triaxiom because we are passionate about security. Further, we want to make a difference and the best way for us to do that, is to do the best we can for our clients. We truly want to partner with you to better your security posture as an organization so in order to do this, we want you to think of us as part of your team. Through our focus on this core value, the majority of our clients come back year after year to continue working with us. This allows us to get more comfortable with your environment and your security goals and helps you to build trust in our team, making it a win-win. 

Actions That Demonstrate This Core Value

Here are some of the specific ways in which we partner with you:

  • Lead Engineer Involved Early – From your initial scoping call, the lead engineer for your project will be on the phone and engaged with you. It is important for us to build that trust relationship from the beginning. Additionally, by having the lead engineer involved early on, they can hear directly from you what you are looking for, what your goals for the project are, and what your concerns are. This way, nothing gets lost in translation from the sales team to the engineers.
  • Availability – Should you choose to engage us on a project, you will have your engineers’ cell phone numbers. Additionally, we will encourage you at every step in the process to use them whenever you need to. If you have a question before the assessment, during the assessment, or six months after the assessment we want you to reach out to us. We are here to help. Even if it’s something completely unrelated to the assessment and you just want our advice on what type firewall to get, we would love to talk that through with you. 
  • Avoiding Change Orders – We don’t want to nickel and dime you. If we are scoped for 10 IP addresses and there ends up being 12 IP addresses, we are going to get your permission and then move forward and test those additional hosts. It will only take us a little extra time and sending you a change order for a couple hundred bucks is just going to be frustrating for everyone. Sure, there are times where a change order may be unavoidable because it’s a significant addition that is going to require a significant amount of work we weren’t planning on, but we’re not going to sweat the small stuff. 
  • No Hardware/Software Vendor Partnerships – Another key way we partner with you is by not selling you. We do not have any partnerships with hardware or software vendors. We are here to provide you with our unbiased opinion and to help you through decisions regarding additional security controls you may need to make. If we had a partnership with a third-party, we would end up with a conflict of interest with our recommendations to you, so we think it’s best to just avoid it.

What This Means For You

Simply put, it means you can rest assured that we are going to do everything we can to help secure your organization. We want you to think of us as part of your team, and we hope you will reach out so we can talk through things together. Additionally, as part of your team we want to make sure we are helping you meet your goals as an organization. If this sounds like what you are looking for, let’s get in touch and start a project for you.